I am really grateful to have found the Actors Workshop. I was looking for someone who could help me reach the next level in my acting and that’s exactly what Frank has done and continues to do. He’s a gift as an acting coach, someone who really cares and wants to help you find your most spontaneous and generous self. With that being said, Frank’s not an easy teacher. He will not placate or allow you to feel good about subpar work. He really pushes you to find deep and honest acting. I’ve learned a lot in a short time and feel blessed to have a true professional by my side; someone who knows, loves, and carries this craft in their soul. I have begun to understand the importance of listening with my entire being, picking up behavior, living truthfully moment-to-moment, how to have actors faith, and how to believe that I am enough. My acting has changed. If you are a dedicated, hard working student who loves to act and wants to learn this is the right place for you.
Tara Rose GladstoneLive it truthfullyHola, soy Jorge Cabrera y fuí alumno de Frank Feys durante un año y medio aproximadamente. Yo me dediqué durante muchos años a la música, y las de Frank fueron mis primeras clases de interpretación en serio. Tengo que decir que estoy muy, muy agradecido a Frank porque fue la 1º persona que creyó en mi como actor. Yo no sabía muy bien lo que hacía, simplemente lo hacía, y él supo darle valor a mis cualidades y ponerle foco a mis carencias. Y sobre todo me supo transmitir esa confianza y esa pasión que él pone a su trabajo. Por todo y más, ¡GRACIAS Frank!
Jorge CabreraActorSoy una ex alumna de Frank Feys y realmente me encantó la experiencia, dejé las clases porqué tuve que irme a vivir a Roma por trabajo, pero duranti el tiempo que estuve en la escuela lo disfruté mucho y aprendí muchísimo, a parte gracias a Frank rodé mi primera película y como persona es un amor y muy buen actor y le deseo lo mejor. Gracias por tu oportunidad Frank y por creer en mi y ayudarme en mi trayectora de actriz y por la unión del grupo que tuve en aquel entonces.
Montse MuñozI remenber when we we’re a small small group gathering in a rented room with no stage and no air conditioning in Barcelona to get taught acting by this intense Belgian guy. I instantly new this school was going to break new ground in Spain. It was all about honesty and all about someone seeing the real potential in his students. I can honestly say I was a crappy actress with potential when I first sat foot in Frank’s class, and I walked out an actress who still gets good parts now and then although I changed sides of the camera long time ago.
Ylva FornerDirector, Actress and PR ConsultantIt takes 20 years or more to become an actor but the first step is one that Frank gave me. “Define yourself as an actor” he told me, “Say it out loud” to which I replied “I’m an actress” from that moment my journey as a professional began. The Actors Workshop Barcelona inspires and nurtures actors to become professionals. It provides tuition and support which encourage actors to become part of a challenging and yet exhilarating industry.it isn’t a place where one receives constant pats on the back and certificates, but rather it’s a centre of investigation and professional guidance that motivates its students to get out there and get working. Meisner stated an actor – doesn’t think, he does! – and it is at the workshop that the doing begins. A conscientious student, who can’t imagine doing anything else but dedicating those 20 years or more to becoming an actor, will find all the necessary tools to get that dream in motion. Thank you Frank for putting my dream into action.
Hannah NewDreams into action!Definitely the most important steps in my path to become an actress, I took with Frank. Before I came to Spain I had applied in the university of arts in Finland several times, but never got in. There are 1200 applicants every year and they choose 12. I had to go all the way to Spain to understand what it means to be truthful and honest on the stage. What it means to be an actress. The whole new world opened in front of my eyes in The actors workshop. I learned to follow my instinct, which is so important quality for an actor. Frank saw underneath my northern shelter and showed me that there’s a truly pearl inside. After a year in AWS I applied once again and I got in. Now I’m graduated, I work full time as an actor and I’m living my dream. Still, after all these years, I think that the best classes that I have EVER had were these with Frank and his friend Meisner.
Helmi-Leena NummelaActressActing is not for those who want it, it’s for those who can handle it. It’s for those who can’t imagine breathing without it. It’s for those who won’t take a “no” as the final answer, who won’t fall after facing doubt or disbelief. The Actors Workshop was a very intense experience in my life, breaking me and deconstructing me, and emptying and challenging me. Through my personal angle, it was never patronising, it wasn’t even reassuring, and definitely this was not a “Build up your confidence” course (after all, “there’s no such thing as the applause button”). But the ones who are not tired of being flattered just because they’re paying, the ones who believe all that counts is enjoying it, the ones who need constant approval may be deceiving themselves into a not so strong outcome. The Actors Workshop came to be exactly what I was I looking for, and an ultimate asset in my development process as an actor. A course from which I came out modified as an actor and as a person.
Cristina LazaroActress and RADA student (MA), LondonHola, me llamo Jessica Alonso y fui alumna de Frank Feys durante un año y medio. GRACIAS FRANK! Dios Frank hay tantas cosas que te agradezco… Ser bailarina de ballet durante quince años marca mucho, todo en mi vida estaba dirigido a eso, asi que cuando tuve que dejarlo por una lesión todo mi mundo se convirtió en una nube de polvo en la que estaba perdida, caminando sin rumbo y sin ilusión. As? llegue a ti, desorientada y sin saber quien era y tu desde el minuto uno con una simple mirada me hiciste sentir en casa, tras una semana conseguiste algo que cambiaría mi vida. Así que resumiendo diría: Gracias Frank por enseñarme que con humildad y respeto se llega donde uno desea. Para conseguir tu sueño debes recorrer un camino, tu esfuerzo y dedicación serán tu vehículo y la ilusión tu guía.
Jessica AlonsoI have studied at some of the best schools in London(RADA) and NYC. (AMDA/HB studios/ Circle RepLab) and I can truly say that Frank is an excellent teacher. He delivers with humor, patience and honesty a technically sound class that would benefit anyone who is serious about working professionally. Franks bends over backwards to help his students work and learn. It is an inspiration to be around someone that wakes up every morning and believes wholeheartedly in what he is doing. Frank’s workshops and classes are as good as any you will find in London or NYC, plus you get to be in Barcelona. Don’t think twice, study with Frank.
I fully support Frank Feys!!!
David O'ConnorThere are techniques, especially in the artistic and creative worlds, that become more popular, trendy or in vogue at a particular point in time? To me it’s not and never was about technique in and of itself. Frank Feys is a professional actor and acting coach with a deep, eclectic and extensive experience – this is exactly the kind of profile I seek to relate to, learn from and enjoy getting kicks in the ass from. If you want to hone in on, grind, and perfect your acting craft, method, skills and sensibility in English, Frank is a safe bet. Thank you so much Frank for all your work in showing me the right path for the last 10 years!
Joe LewisMusician / Actor / Voice ArtistFrank is a passionate and driven professional who really cares about the people he is working with. having a steady base of exercises and techniques that work, he is constantly looking for ways of improvement. He is totally committed to acting and the Actors Workshop every single day. He does not give you a break, he is giving you something to work on. Keep it going, frank! We are grateful for that.
Koos Vos(ex) student