Helmi-Leena Nummela

Helmi-Leena Nummela
15/02/2017 yvonnefuertes

Definitely the most important steps in my path to become an actress, I took with Frank. Before I came to Spain I had applied in the university of arts in Finland several times, but never got in. There are 1200 applicants every year and they choose 12. I had to go all the way to Spain to understand what it means to be truthful and honest on the stage. What it means to be an actress. The whole new world opened in front of my eyes in The actors workshop. I learned to follow my instinct, which is so important quality for an actor. Frank saw underneath my northern shelter and showed me that there’s a truly pearl inside. After a year in AWS I applied once again and I got in. Now I’m graduated, I work full time as an actor and I’m living my dream. Still, after all these years, I think that the best classes that I have EVER had were these with Frank and his friend Meisner.

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